INCORE introduced at the #EURegionsWeek!

Our Project Coordinator Nuno Almeida was invited to contribute to the European Week of Regions and Cities, which was held between 11-14th October 2021. In this opportunity, the INCORE project was selected to be presented at an online Participatory Lab session entitled “Building smart and sustainable regions: Entrepreneurship and innovation in higher education”. The second half of the session had a World Café format, in which participants rotated in online breakout rooms to interact directly with projects in the HEI Initiative community.

This was the first opportunity in which INCORE could be formally presented in an event. Nuno represented the consortium with a 10-minutes pitch, which was followed by questions and input from the audience, as well as comments regarding future collaboration to the INCORE initiative.

The presentation covered an overview of the  consortium, the main vision and objectives of the project. In addition, our coordinator introduced the ways in which INCORE focuses on supporting and growing innovation in the EU Outermost Regions.

The workshop gathered HEIs, regional authorities and other interested participants to help strengthen the connection between the EIT, its innovation communities, and a new generation of Smart Specialisation Strategies.


A virtual meeting with EIT InnoEnergy

Following the first official Kick-off meeting, the INCORE team held another meeting on the 8th of September with EIT InnoEnergy  – the funding entity of the project – to discuss and analyse the project implementation and initial work plan.

In this occasion, the agenda was focused, at first, on discussions around the administrative and financial reporting of the partners’ activities (WP1 – Project Management). In addition, the consortium and EIT InnoEnergy discussed the implementation of the tasks of WP2 – Setting the stage, in order to meet the proposed KPIs, which include training and mentoring of students, staff and non-staff members of the targeted Outermost Regions. The discussions were finalised with a look at the communication and dissemination activities.

Follow the project on social media and the website to learn more on how we are connecting the Outermost Regions to support Innovation and Entrepreneurship!

Getting started with INCORE!

The INCORE project, one of the awarded Cross-KIC projects to boost Innovation and Entrepreneurship among Higher Education Institutions, held its Kick-off meeting, online, on the 17th of August.

The project represents a collaborative approach between four regions – Madeira and Azores (Portugal), Canary Islands (Spain) and La Reunion (France) – involving different actors from the Knowledge Triangle including education, research and industry partners. The project is, however, driven by the HEIs from Madeira, Canarias and La Reunion, and these are supported by IST (Lisbon). The partnership includes:

  • Instituto Superior Técnico (HEI, Portugal)
  • Université de La Reunion (HEI, France)
  • Universidade da Madeira (HEI, Portugal)
  • Universidad Europea de Canárias (HEI, Spain)
  • La Palma Research Centre (SME/Research, Spain)
  • Trisolaris Advanced Technologies (SME, Portugal)

    In order to start the work to be implemented during this year, the Kick-off meeting included presentations by the leaders of WP1 (Project Management), WP2 (Setting the stage) and WP4 (Communication, dissemination and outreach). The current and future plans for implementation of the tasks was discussed.